Courses > Introductory Principles

Though hormonal optimization has been a successful approach for training individualization, neural optimization supersedes it given that the neural response will affect the hormonal response, while the opposite is not true. Even supplementation cannot prevent a neural response.

Neurological profile and individualization

“The most important approach for maximum results is to train hard with laser-like focus”

  • You are more likely to train hard, be focused and stay motivated if you like the type of training you are doing
  • You will like and be motivated by your training if it fits your psychological profile
  • A large number of gym drop-outs occur because people hate what they are doing (lazy or training doesn’t fit their profile)
  • A training that goes against your nature causes a greater stress response which makes progression harder
  • Knowing someone’s neurological profile can help you make the best decisions for your client, maximizing progression and long-term commitment.



Course Instructor

Codems Support Author



Introductory Principles and Assessment


Introductory Principles


Neurological and Physical Typing Certification


Neurological and Physical Typing Certification


Introductory Principles
