

$149.99 USD

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This is the first course of 3, on the Omni-contractions training system. This course will be focusing on the 10 principles behind the training system that Christian have been using with his athletes for the past 20 years. You may think that you know how Chris work, but you probably don’t, because this is completely different than his online material, which is more geared toward body composition and muscle growth.

Don’t miss it!


What's included

  • A handbook of 35 pages (downloadable pdf)

  • More than 2.5 hours of video

  • An online multiple-choice final exam to confirm the completion of the Course

  • An E-certificate of successful completion


The OCTS is the best way to develop maximal strength and power for an athlete while reducing the risk of injuries. And it can even be used with body composition clients as this is how I now train these people.

This system is based on the concurrent use of eccentric, isometric, and concentric methods in each training phase (as opposed to focusing on one on each phase like the triphasic model, for example). Christian have been developed this 20 years ago, wrote about it in his book “Theory and Application of Modern Strength and Power Methods” more than 15 years ago. But this course goes in-depth to explain the science and logic behind the system.