


Be fueled for mass and strength!

This diet uses a progressive high calorie, low to mid carbs, moderate fat and high proteins approach well suited for the Type 1A.

It is built as a progressive approach to mass gaining by introducing more and more calories week to week but keeping an approach that favors the Type 1A neurotransmitters.

What's included

  • The diet includes a complete supplements protocol exclusively made for the Type 1A

  • Guidelines on how to set macros, progression and adjustments week by week

  • A list of recommended aliments

Get massive in a hurry!

Type 1A gets their motivation from lifting heavier weight and winning over the workout. How about improving their muscle mass? Make them eat buckets of protein, add in the calories, and lift heavy weights again. They are not made for the slow and steady approach, so our strategy in the Neurotyping mass gain diet is to improve the physiological specificities of the Type 1A and make them reach outstanding mass gains like never before.

The plan includes all the necessary guides to food choices, supplements, and how to work and improve their neurotransmitter profile, plus many more features to get the best out of this mass gain phase.